
Crown Borer
Adult crown borers are short-snouted, reddish-brown, flightless weevils
about 1/5-inch long. Their wing covers are marked with three pairs of
darker spots. Adults, which overwinter in plant debris in strawberry fields
or in surrounding areas, become active in the spring at about the same
time that strawberries begin to bloom. They feed in crowns to open holes
into which they lay eggs that hatch in about one week. Egg-laying continues
through mid June. Yellowish, legless grubs feed for several weeks in strawberry
crowns before pupating in late summer. Adults emerge in the fall, feed
on strawberry foliage, and then seek shelter in plant debris to pass the
corn borer adult and larva.
Adult is about 1/3 inch (8 mm) long;
larva is about 1/4 inch (6 mm) long.
Although adults eat small holes in leaves in the fall, this defoliation
rarely is economically damaging. Larval feeding is far more harmful. As
one or more larvae bore downward through strawberry crowns, plants are
weakened, stunted, or killed. Field borders or the portions of fields
nearest older, infested plantings are often most heavily damaged.
Because adult strawberry crown borers cannot fly, isolating new fields
from existing infestations greatly reduces the likelihood that this insect
will cause significant losses. Commercial growers should use new plants
that are free of crown borer and establish new fields at least 300 yards
from existing fields. To prevent crown borer survival and migration, infested
fields should be destroyed and tilled soon after the final picking. Although
chemical control is rarely advised, some insecticides applied to control
other insects may kill crown borers as well. Prebloom sprays intended
to limit damage by tarnished plant bug kill some crown borer adults, but
peak adult activity occurs slightly later. Egg-laying adults are especially
active during bloom, a time period when insecticides should not be applied.
Insecticides applied between bloom and harvest for the control of leafroller
or sap beetle will also kill crown borer adults if they are still active
on foliage, but killing adults at this time is unlikely to significantly
reduce crown damage. Postharvest sprays may be used to reduce the population
of newly emerged adults in late summer before they overwinter, but this
practice is seldom warranted. Check the latest edition of the Illinois
Commercial Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide for a list of registered
