The adult chinch bug has a black body, brown to reddish yellow
legs, and white wings that have a triangular black area in the
middle of the outer margin. The insect gives off a distinctive
foul odor when crushed. The eggs, yellow when first laid, turn
red before hatching. They are tiny, elongate, and about four
times as long as broad, with four short, nipple-like projections
on the cap. Although laid singly, they can be found in clusters
at the base of the host plants among the roots and soil and
also behind the lower leaf sheaths. The nymphs are tiny red
to dark red or nearly black creatures with a yellow to white
traverse band on the body. This band remains apparent through
successive molts even though the body color darkens. |
on image for larger version
1. Chinch Bug Adult
on image for larger version
Figure 2. Chinch Bug Nymphs on Corn
There are two generations each year. The adults winter in grasses
and other ground cover on the south and west sides of wooded
areas and along roadsides. The preferred wintering hosts are
native.grasses like big and little bluestem. In warm days in
the spring the bugs fly from their winter quarters in search
of a suitable host plant field. At this time they prefer small
grains, timothy,bluegrass, millet, sudan grass, or any of the
other grasses. The thinner and more open the stand, the more
preferable it is to the adult chinch bug. This search for a
suitable field for feeding and egg-laying may require several
days or even weeks. |
occurs in late May or early June. During this time the insects mate
repeatedly, each female laying a few eggs a day. Each female is
capable of laying 200 or more eggs over a month's time. It takes
about a month from the time the eggs hatch until the insects are
mature. Since egg-laying covers a period of a month, some of the
first-generation bugs may develop wings while others are still small.
All of this development occurs in small-grain or grass fields.
the time that the grain is beginning to dry, the bugs start to migrate.
They will feed on any grasses, but they are particularly damaging
to corn. After becoming adult, they may not fly for several days.
Eventually they concentrate in areas in cornfields that are weak
or stunted. Here another generation develops, and the adults move
out in search of hibernating quarters during October.
This insect is a native species and is largely concentrated up the
upper Mississippi Valley and its tributaries. In years of serious
outbreak, damage has gone into millions of dollars.
bug damage in a small grain field first appears as small spots of
drying grain. These areas gradually enlarge until, under severe
infestation, an entire field may be affected. In corn, first the
lower leaves and then the whole plant wilts and soon turns white.
Damage resembles that caused by severe frost or fire. This condition
continues into the field as far as the heavy infestation. Some bugs,
however, may be found on plants 50 to 100 rows beyond the furthest
point of visible damage.
thus ranges from complete crop loss in severe infestations to
no damage in light infestations. Since the bugs are small, most
plants can tolerate a moderate number of them. Damage occurs,
however, when hundreds or thousands of them mass on individual
plants. |
on image for larger version
Figure 3. Damage to Corn
on image for larger version
Figure 4. Damage in Wheat and Oats
Scout small grain fields adjacent to cornfields as they become
mature. Look for chinch bugs in these fields. If chinch bugs
are found, watch closely for migration from these fields, especially
as the grain ripens and harvest approaches. Likewise, pay particular
attention to border rows of cornfields adjacent to small grain
fields. Inspect 100 plants (20 plants in five locations in the
outer two rows). |
There is no specific threshold for chinch bugs since they rarely
cause economic damage unless they occur in large numbers. Treat
at first migration and when damage begins to occur.
to Know
Chinch bugs have not disappeared, as some people believe. Some are
found in all areas of Illinois each year. Since they prefer sunny,
dry conditions, two successive years of drought usually prove that
they are still with us.
the past few years a definite relationship has been noted between
small grains on soybean ground and chinch bug abundance. In heavy
soybean trash, the grain stand is apparently light and open, a condition
favoring chinch bugs.
undergrowth of legumes in a grain field discourages chinch bug infestations
since the bugs cannot survive in shady, humid conditions. In the
spring adults concentrate in a field that is favorable to them,
but vigorous growing conditions soon make it unfavorable. Adults
have been observed migrating from these fields to congregate in
a few of the outer drill rows, where it is more open and sunny,
or to adjacent fields of thin stands of grain. Adults leaving winter
quarters in large numbers attack and seriously damage tiny small
grain like late oats, unthrifty wheat, or barley. They may also
attack small corn and cause it to wilt. It may be necessary to apply
insecticides if the old overwintering bugs are damaging areas in
these fields.
bug nymphs that hatch from first-generation eggs laid on corn cannot
survive because they apparently require a small grain or grass in
their diet first. Eggs are laid on corn, however, and small bugs
are continually hatching and replacing those that die. This continues
until all eggs have hatched. Thus, insecticide treatment is rarely
necessary to control the newly hatching firstgeneration bugs on
corn. It is not known why first-generation nymphs cannot survive
on corn unless they first have a small grain or grass in their diet.
However, if they feed upon a small grain or grass for a few days
first, they are then capable of surviving on corn. When one of the
grasses or small grains infested with chinch bug eggs is plowed
under and planted to corn, survival of nymphs on the corn is good,
because they have fed on the grain growth. In this case insecticide
control may be necessary.
bugs are migrating from the grain or grass field, they often go
through a soybean field. They do not feed on the bean plants, but
often kill all of the foxtail and volunteer corn. Occasionally they
will even kill the foxtail in a cornfield and not feed on the corn.
It is believed that chinch bug survival is correlated with the nitrogen
content of plants. Survival is greatest on plants having a nitrogen
A fungus disease that kills chinch bugs during periods of humid
weather can almost eliminate a large population. High temperatures
and moisture are necessary for this fungus to give maximum control.
When most of the bugs are newly hatched, or at least very small,
hard beating rains will trap them in the mud, from which they cannot
escape. Weather is one of the most important natural controls of
chinch bugs. Hot, dry, weather is favorable, while warm, humid weather
is detrimental. The thickness of grain stands and the type of plant
growth are usually more important than the kind of grain in the
Susan T. Ratcliffe (
Michael E. Gray (
Kevin L. Steffey (